
Simple Mind Tricks for Working Out Harder, Meaner, Longer!

Planning ahead for a long, tough workout can be challenging. Just thinking about the strenuous session almost makes you not want to go through with it. Fortunately, there are some ways you can trick yourself into pushing beyond your limitations to get a harder, meaner and longer workout. It’s often just a case of mind […]

Get a Youthful Glow With These 3 Super Simple – And Amazingly Effective – Skincare Regimens

Recently, there’s been a buzz in the beauty world over the Korean 10-step skincare routine – and when we spend time in Seoul, we can see why. Women in the country of Missha, Tony Moly and Aritaum have skin that just glows. But not everyone’s got the time to dedicate a chunk of their morning […]

Four Exercises to Get Abs Like A Professional Athlete

Summer is on its way again. And each year, you hope to attain the abs of your dreams and show them off in an amazing piece of swimwear. But wait, you’re not where you want to be, and those hundreds of crunches get boring. That means it’s time to change up your workouts to keep […]

Why Your Skin Looks Like it Could Use a Nap – and How to Fix It

If you feel like your skin looks tired and dull, you’re not alone — thousands of people worldwide believe that their skin lacks tone and glow. But why does our skin look and feel so tired and how can we fix that? Why does our skin look tired and dull? When you look in the […]

Looking for Serious Ab Training? 3 Reasons Why You should Trust SIXPAD

Everyone wants a fantastic beach body — whether you’re looking to tone the body you already have, or shed existing weight, developing abs is one of the most sought-after accomplishments by body-conscious individuals all over the world. But what’s the best way to get abs? If you’ve never heard of SIXPAD you’re in for a […]

Debunking Exfoliation Falsehoods to Achieve Healthier Skin

Many of us wish we had paid more attention to skin care and health when we were younger. Good news, it isn’t too late! As advancements in skincare technology and techniques are made every day, there is a plethora of readily available options to choose from. A simple and beneficial way to keep your skin […]