Our President

Our President

Our President, Tsuyoshi Matsushita was born on the Goto Islands of Nagasaki Prefecture and envisioned starting his own business in 5th Grade. After graduating high school, he entered DENSO Corporation in the Aichi Prefecture and later started MTG Co.Ltd at 23 years old with a business vision of implementing a ‘group management system’.

Message from our President:
‘Since our founding, we have consistently pursued “growing our company and bringing true happiness to all our employees.”
As each individual’s energy and daily efforts accumulate, we strive to be a company that treats all of our employees like family, sharing our dreams, joys and sorrows. We also aim to be a company where all employees recognize and enhance one another while coming together as a single unit to bring about company growth, putting into practice “management that includes all employees.”
We believe that we can contribute to society by continuing to evolve and develop with a bright and positive outlook, and by helping to make people feel hope towards the future.

We would like to share our dreams and aspirations with all of the people we have been fortunate to meet all over the world, by continuing to create value while working happily.’

Tsuyoshi Matsushita, President